The advancing troops of Kilinochchi have reached to the Technical college for Higher education which was affiliated to the University of Jaffna built by the ministry of Education and Higher education with the aim of educational upliftment of the Tamil students in Kilinochchi, Mulathivu, and Poonarin. The technical college consisted of a well equipped auditorium, hostel, and laboratories with the extent of 100 acres which can accommodate more than 5000 students. With the great intention of giving equal education for all irrespective of ethnicity, the government has established this institute in the North. Unfortunately no any academic year could be started as the Terrorists had been using this valuable place for their military and administrative purposes till the government troops captured it.
LTTE, as a ruthless terrorist outfit has shown its vision clearly by using this precious property of the Northern students as a military camp. LTTE is known to be one of the notorious terrorist groups in the world which uses child soldiers in combat. If such educational institutes operate in this area, terrorists will definitely encounter a scarcity of soldiers and it will be a huge problem for their existence.
Education is a fundamental right for every human being but LTTE terrorists are human right violators .They have been fighting with the aim of Mono-ethnic separate home land. But purposely V.Prabhakaran destroyed the right of education of students in north and east by activating such terrible things. V. Prabhakaran expects only the war and never knows the value of the education as he never got it. Though the Sri Lankan government is trying to give equal education for all, the terrorist leader always tries avoiding his people from getting free education as his only intension is the war.
LTTE use child soldiers for the battle field and child soldiers have become the symbol as a way of continuing LTTE militarization. Security forces and government always stand surety for security of the innocent school children. According to the sources, Tamil school children in North are being trained for the battle during the school hours, and they are recruited to the dying terrorist outfit by force. They all pray for a free world without war.
Today, we can see plenty of child right organizations and we have a problem whether they are aware of this dangerous problem of child soldering which occurred in the North of Sri Lanka.
This is the time for all nations to pay attention to the reality of this common enemy that threatens the survival of society based on respect of the freedom and dignity of humans.
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